Industrial steel garage doors need to be sturdy, easy to operate, and long-lasting, as they are vital for a business to operate.
They also hold the biggest role in protecting the products and maintaining the people’s safety in an industrial building.
However, garage doors will eventually wear out due to constant use.
Once it starts to malfunction, it will hinder business activities and could be a threat of danger to people.
Hence, companies should maintain industrial garage doors regularly to avoid large budget cuts.
With that, it’s best to partner with a garage door repair company that you can trust and rely on in Edmonton.
Overhead Door Pros Garage Door Repair is here to fix any issues you have with your commercial and industrial garage door.
With our 12 years’ experience with handling any type of industrial and commercial garage doors, nothing is too difficult for us.
Simply call us and state your problem, and we’ll send the best technicians to head over as soon as possible.
Common Industrial Garage Door Problems
Businesses always keep a plan of maintenance and operations ahead, while making sure to execute everything within schedule.
However, if a faulty garage door starts hindering your productivity, you need to have someone repair it immediately.
You can call on us even during outside business hours and provide an emergency service for you.
In case you’re wondering, here are the following repair services we can offer:
Misaligned Tracks
Strong impacts and excessive friction can damage overhead door tracks. And with this, the track could be dented and misaligned.
Depending on the extent of the damage, a profession in this field is needed to repair and straighten up the garage door track.
Dirty or Damaged Rollers
Overhead door rollers might accumulate dirt, causing your door to operate poorly and make unusual noises.
Simple cleaning and lubrication could fix the issue.
But if it doesn’t work, you might need to repair or replace your rollers.
We can provide the most affordable replacements and genuine spare parts for any industrial garage door type and model.
Broken Springs
A garage door spring is a crucial part of the overhead industrial coil up door.
However, frequent garage door activity and damage from rusts will eventually wear the springs and will render them unusable.
And if your garage door springs are in tension, they can be risky and dangerous to deal with.
That’s why you should always seek Overhead Door Pros Garage Door Repair for issues concerning the torsion springs.
Damaged Sections & Panels
It’s normal for an industrial garage door to withstand bumps from moving cargo and equipment.
It is made sturdy for that reason. However, its steel panels cannot withstand every beating it gets and can lead to mild to severe dents.
If you can notice dents or wears due to rusting on your garage door, ask for a technician’s help to replace the metal sections and panels of your garage door.
Why You Need a Garage Door Repair Service
If you’re having difficulty fixing your garage door by yourself and you see more of these signs, then you definitely need a professional overhead door repair service
Difficulty in Opening Your Garage Door: This is likely caused by damaged springs.
Springs are responsible for absorbing all the tension, thus when damaged, nothing will hold the weight of the door anymore.
Springs need to be maintained and lubricated regularly to prevent rust buildup and to prolong its life.
If your spring is broken then it needs to be replaced immediately.
Unlike residential garages, industrial garage doors are heavier to work with.
Contact the nearest garage door repair company in your area and let them handle the problem.
Rattling Noise: Unnecessary noise like grinding or rattling is likely caused by loose hardware or rusty parts in your overhead door.
Quickly look for any loose screws and tighten them immediately to avoid possible injuries.
Don’t forget to lubricate your garage door from time to time to avoid rust buildup.
Visible Gaps and Cracks: Cracks and gaps caused by misaligned tracks and pressure need to be immediately replaced or fixed.
As it may affect the operation inside the garage and hinder productivity.
Contact your nearest garage door repair experts if seen.
Steel Corrosion: When steel corrodes, it becomes structurally weak and is likely to break.
Excessive exposure to moisture is the cause why steel corrodes, thus contact between the metallic parts of your door and water must be avoided.
Broken Remote Opener: The remote is responsible for sending the signal to your door to move if it has an automated opener.
Having a broken one may lead to manually opening the door.
Note: Always check the remote opener battery if it still has power.
Leave Your Industrial Garage Door Repair to Overhead Door Pros
Doing all the repairs by yourself can save you some money, but there will always be problems that only professionals can fix or do.
Don’t hesitate to contact them for help, you can also ask for tips and advice from them.
You as a customer deserve quality services, and we the Overhead Door Pros will suffice for that.
If you are in Edmonton, or in an area near it, then contact us even with emergencies.
We will be there 24/7, just call (587) 804-2072.